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Covering the Costs of Terminal Cancer

When people talk about terminal cancer, there is one thing you usually don’t hear about – the financial burden. A terminal cancer diagnosis is surrounded by emotions and sadness; the last thing you probably want to think about is how to handle the financial considerations that come along with this diagnosis. However, ignoring the financial implications and avoiding the topic will not make the situation better, and can actually lead to more negative emotions down the line. No one wants to be handed a bill that they don’t know how to pay for. Luckily, we have already done all the research for you so that you can quickly get the financial planning done and get back to your family. Here are the best options for paying for the costs of terminal cancer.

Review Your Insurance

If you have insurance, now is the time to review your policy so that you can be aware of just exactly how much you can expect to pay. It is important to realize that just because you are insured does not mean that you don’t have to worry about the cost of cancer. According to Forbes, more than one-third of cancer patients who were insured paid more out-of-pocket costs than they expected to. It might not be too late to change health insurance plans if you find that your plan’s current benefits are not that great. Once you have carefully looked at your insurance plan, you can get a better idea of what you can expect to pay and more completely be able to plan for your future expenses.

During this time, it’s also important to look into burial insurance. This type of coverage can help you not only cover the cost of your funeral — including headstones, urns, memorial service, and any other associated costs — but it can provide money for any medical bills and debts. This will help alleviate some of the financial burdens your family will face after your passing.

Talk to Your Healthcare Team

Your healthcare team works with people who have cancer every day and probably know more than a few tricks when it comes to paying for your treatment. They might be able to prescribe cheaper medications, refer you to less-expensive doctors, and talk to your insurance company about covering specific treatments. Your doctor is your teammate in your treatment in more ways than one and can greatly help you when it comes to paying for your treatment.

Look into Grants and Assistance Programs

You would be surprised by the number of programs out there to help people live a higher quality of life while they have cancer and pay for their cancer treatment. According to US News, for example, you can contact the Cleaning for a Reason to get free assistance in cleaning your home. The American Cancer Society has free wigs for those undergoing cancer treatment, and there are a number of organizations that provide rides to treatments.

However, to have access to assistance programs, you have to prove that you are in need of assistance and do, in fact, have cancer. To do this, you will need paperwork that proves your cancer diagnosis, which you can get from your doctor, and proof of income, such as a tax return and anything else relating to your income, similar to the documents needed to apply for a loan.

Terminal cancer is highly emotionally charged — so much so that many people forget about the financial implications of such a diagnosis. Luckily, there are lots of ways to help pay for your treatment whether you have insurance or not.

Photo Credit: Pexels

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