You’re eating healthier and you have made exercise a part of your day and or week, is this enough? You’re on the way but we believe in added nutritional supplements for optimal health and wellness. Our body needs fuel whether it’s food or supplementation and inferior nutrition sets us up for disease.

How much broccoli, brussel-sprouts, apples and blueberries (anythocyanins) can you eat in a day? Or can you drink enough red wine to reap the rewards of Resveratrol without becoming an alcoholic?
It is difficult to consume through our daily healthy diets what our body needs to support itself, especially if you are at a higher risk or working towards the prevention of disease. In addition, keeping your immune system strong whether it is being compromised temporarily due to treatment(s) or you’re just trying to improve it is also challenging. Additional supplementation doesn’t mean you’ll never get sick, but may help the intensity or duration if you do in addition to just providing more energy daily.
It is most important when deciding what supplements you want to take, you choose what fits your lifestyle best, whether it be liquid or pill form, how many times a day you will be able to take them (twice daily, three times daily), do you travel often or just how much you can or are willing to spend. Your family genetic history will also play a part as to what to take to offer support in the prevention of high cholesterol, heart disease, cancer, diabetes, etc. Starting with a quality multiple vitamin is like the ground floor of your home, without a good base structure, it’s difficult to build on to. From here you can add supplements such as Antioxidants, Essential Fats and herbs such as Green Tea, Turmeric or other anti-inflammatory products. You don’t need to begin taking everything at one time and we do not recommend that you do. Start slow by adding something to your regimen every couple of weeks or monthly until you feel you have met your needs. Quality of these products can make a difference so this is one place you may want to invest a little more but that doesn’t mean you have to spend a fortune as there are many places you can purchase quality supplements with low competitive prices.
The following are supplements that we recommend adding (some or all) to your daily regimen. This list does not necessarily mean that all should be taken, but are suggestions depending on your own diet, your lifestyle, your genetic background, your health concerns and your goals.
Vitamin B Complex
Vitamin C
Vitamin D3
Omega Oils (EFA’s 3,6, 9)
Milk Thistle
Co-Enzyme Q10-Ubiquinol
Broccoli or cruciferous
Additional suggestions; Inositol (cellular health), Maitake Mushroom, Green Tea, Chromium(for blood sugar), Fiber, Glucosamine Sulfate(joint support)
In addition, if you are in the process of a treatment protocol you may want to make some adjustments to your regimen. Unfortunately because there are not a great deal of studies conducted, many doctors have different “opinions” on what you should or can and cannot take during this time. Listen to what your doctor has to say, and listen to your body. During treatments, your immune system can be compromised so it will be important to keep it strong. This may mean to you that it is important to continue to follow a modified supplement regimen. In addition some treatments can cause you to feel nauseated in which case a Ginger supplement or tea may be helpful as well.
We understand there are so many choices to make when deciding the best protocol to follow. You may want to locate a Naturopathic Doctor in your area for guidance. Although not all states recognize an N.D. as yet, it is growing and you can use this link to locate one in a state near you.
Some recommended reading that we have found to be helpful;
Anticancer – A New Way of Life by David Servan-Schreiber, MD, Phd
Prescription for Nutritional Healing Fourth Edition
Of course the Internet can be a great tool to gather information as well. You can follow this link for an on line health and wellness site which in addition to thousands of products to choose from with low prices, the Health Library is very useful as well.